Getting More Engagements On Your Social Media Videos

Social networking in today’s digital world serves a wider purpose than merely keeping in touch with friends and family. It’s a vital tool for companies and thought leaders in South Africa and beyond. When it comes to capturing an audience’s attention, nothing beats a video. If you want more people to follow you and engage with your content, this piece is for you.

How Online Videos Affect Promotional Efforts

Imagine you’re scrolling through Instagram and you come across a video of the sunset in Cape Town and you had to stop and admire it because it’s so pretty. Videos are appealing in that way. Videos are much more effective than images or text in preventing page-flipping. The ability to evoke strong emotions is crucial for engaging the audience and gaining their support. Video content is shared at a rate 1,200% more than text and images combined, so this isn’t simply anecdotal evidence.

Why Do We Need to Use Videos?

Videos can help you connect with your audience on a more human level, which can lead to increased engagement. They understand your expressions, tone of voice, and passion.
Videos are an engaging tool for sharing the history of your company or a day in the life of your employees.
The usefulness of how-to videos and tutorials lies in their ability to instill knowledge by demonstrating the desired behaviour.

Strategy for Increasing Audience Involvement

The goal of any video marketing campaign should be to inspire action from the audience beyond simple viewing. This is a detailed guide on how to accomplish a certain goal.

Know Your Audience

Check that you are speaking to the intended receiver before beginning the recording. Why are they looking for what exactly? Any idea when we may expect them to air? In South Africa, most people log onto their favourite social media sites between lunch and after work. Make the necessary changes to the regularity and content of your posts.

Prioritise quality above quantity

It’s reasonable to believe that more videos would lead to greater participation, but the quality of the videos is usually where the magic happens. Invest in a high-quality camera, pay attention to the lighting, and plan ahead. The impact of a single skillfully made video can far outweigh that of ten hastily produced ones.

Raise Questions and Emotions

It’s a worthy objective to create videos that uplift, inspire, or connect viewers. Posing a question to your viewers when the video concludes is a great way to get feedback.

Sharing Videos: Some Advice

Hoping for the best before clicking “upload” is not a plan. It’s a systematic approach to ensuring sure your videos have the desired effect.

Use Features Specific to Your Platform

Each of the major social networking networks has its own unique video features:

Now, TV, Live Stories, and Stories on Instagram; also Instagram and Facebook’s Premiere
Fleets on Facebook, and Twitter Live Streams and Highlight Reels on YouTube

Use these skills to your advantage. For instance, Instagram’s algorithm now favours content shared to Reels.

Crucial Role of Timing

People tend to underestimate the significance of timing and reliability. Update at off-hours to avoid boring your readers to death. In South Africa, the 7 o’clock hour is a popular time to unwind after a long day.

Cooperate and Make Use of Hashtags

Join forces with complementary businesses or well-known individuals to increase exposure. Use hashtags, although they can be useful, sparingly. Hashtags like #ProudlySouthAfrican and #LocalIsLekker have gained traction in South Africa.

Verify and Alter

After you’ve published, have a look at your analytics. Social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram, for instance, offer detailed data on the reach of your videos. How committed are they to finishing the episode? When are they planning on leaving? Take this criticism into account for your next video.

Increasing Viewability of Your Videos

Inclusion is key to the success of your plan. For the benefit of the hearing-impaired and others who prefer to watch with the sound turned down, please provide captions. Adding captions to your video is a terrific method to boost its SEO and get it seen by more people.

When executed properly, video content shared on social media platforms may serve as the backbone of an online marketing strategy. The country of South Africa, with its diverse and technologically adept populace, is an ideal setting for this type of media. You should start filming and posting your videos on social media now that you know what you’re doing.


is most successful when it serves the interests of both parties and is consistent with your brand’s mission. Keep in mind that all material marketed through influencer partnerships should be truthful and transparent.

Mihlali Ndamase, Platform: Instagram, YouTube, Industry: Beauty and Lifestyle, Reason for Collaboration: Mihlali is a leading figure in the South African beauty industry. She has amassed a sizable and devoted fanbase thanks to her online cosmetic tutorials and lifestyle vlogs.

Why Work With Suzelle? Suzelle is the DIY queen of South Africa and a YouTube and Instagram sensation. Working with her may add a creative, innocent vibe to your company.

Thickleeyonce (Instagram/Twitter): Body-positive fashion industry: Thickleeyonce, as Lesego Legobane, is a fashion star and outspoken supporter of body positivity. Collaboration with her could pique the interest of many people.

Kefilwe Mabote : Fashion and Lifestyle
Platform: Instagram and Twitter; Motivation for Working Together: Kefilwe is a leading figure in the world of fashion and luxury influencers, and her work is always impeccable. She may be a great collaborator for companies vying for a place in the luxury goods industry.

The Funny Chef – Sector: Food and Comedy – Medium: Instagram, YouTube – Reason for Working Together: Thabang Nteso, better known as The Funny Chef, makes entertaining videos on food that everybody can relate to. Brands in the food industry looking to take a humorous approach to their target audience would do well to work with him.

Sarah Langa: Fashion and lifestyle; Instagram and Twitter; Reason for working together: Sarah is a well-known voice in the world of fashion blogging and social media. Working together with her might help your company attract more style-conscious customers.

8. Craig Rodney, Field: Tourism and Photography, Service: Instagram, Reason for Working Together: Craig, whose Instagram handle is @southafrica, posts stunning images of the country’s natural beauty. In the travel and outdoor industries, he is the man to see.

Industry: Social Good and Positivity; Platform: Twitter; Facebook; Reason for Working Together: Brent Lindeque Brent, also known as South Africa’s “Good Things Guy,” primarily shares upbeat, motivational tales. Your company’s values may fit with his if you decide to work with him.

The Next Chapter in Your Digital Novel

To be noticed in today’s noisy digital world, where everyone is a potential storyteller and curator, is difficult but not impossible. Videos posted to social media platforms provide you with a wide range of colours to choose from as you seek to bring your brand to life and establish genuine, meaningful connections with your audience. Making films that people want to watch is more than simply a marketing strategy; it’s a chance to show the world what your company stands for.

Understanding your target market, catering to their needs, and delivering your message in a way that strikes a chord and encourages discussion are all crucial. Instead of trying to rack up pageviews, focus on encouraging conversation. Create a link, a sense of belonging, and a community around your business through timely posts, compelling calls to action, or a dash of unexpected comedy.

However, the dynamic and ever-changing landscape of social media must be kept in mind. Everything from the software to the platforms to the regulations is always evolving. Creativity will lead you, and flexibility will help you get there. Always be aware of what’s happening in the industry, but don’t let it make you compromise your own unique style.

Follow these guidelines, but put your own spin on them. More than just content, your audience is hungry to participate in your vision. Your stage is more ready than ever before. Now is the time to capture and engage with the help of videos shared on social media.